What is the Forward Together Initiative?

Forward Together is a two year journey that invites each of us to join together to shape the future of Grace. This journey is designed to grow our faith as we follow God into the future. Since 1972, Grace has been marked by big faith in an even bigger God. Now, it is time for our current generation to put our faith into action and step Forward Together.

We see the needs around us and feel compelled to act, but we need your help. With a fixed eye on our vision from God to reach our neighbors and the world with the Gospel, we are asking for 100% participation. Our goals are to see 1000 people gathered each Sunday, to plant a Spanish church, and to develop our campus so that we are able to send people on mission around the corner and around the world.

It is time for us to move Forward Together!

God is active and working, so we have hope!

In a season that has been marked by church attendance decline and a decreasing influence on local communities, God has blessed our church, and we are seeing incredible results in these areas.

Since 2020, we have had 216 new members, 111 people saved, and 59 people baptized! We have partnered with local schools to serve them and assist with their needs. We have begun a Spanish outreach ministry. And, we are on track for more visitors this year than any of our previous five years. The stories of radical life-change and genuine spiritual growth are amazing. God is at work!

But we are running out of space. Our solution to this problem is Forward Together.

Forward Together is a two-year journey to raise $3.3 million dollars. This journey requires us to believe big in our big God. We know that as we step out in faith, we will see God show up. While Forward Together is about raising $3.3 million dollars, it is about much more than money. We desire to see each one of us at Grace join this journey and begin to see our God stretch, grow, and deepen us as we take the next step in our spiritual journey. We are asking you first to say "yes" to God by committing to pray and seek God about what He would have you do over these next two years.

Success in this journey will not only be measured by dollars, it will also be measured by each one of us answering God's call and stepping out in faith. We know that God will use this to grow us individually and as a church.

Hebrew 12:1-2

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

100% Participation

Set your alarm for 12:12 am or pm and remember to pray daily for Forward Together.
Then, ask God to lead you to partner with us in this initiative.

Our goal is not equal amounts from everyone, but rather equal sacrifice from everyone.
All give some.

Sunday, June 2 is our First Fruits Offering Sunday

Equal sacrifice not equal amount.

As you pray and spend time with God, ask Him to lay a specific amount on your heart. Then, follow through and give as God directs.

We are praying that God would open heaven and pour out His blessing on this initiative. The specific ask is that on Sunday, June 2, 2024 we would raise more money on one Sunday than any other day in the history of church. We are aiming for $500,000 above and beyond tithes and general giving.

If you would like to be part of this click the link below to give online today!